Confirmed that this email was sent to Waymo's "early riders." That's important for a number of reasons incl that they are vetted and sign NDAs.
— Kirsten Korosec (@kirstenkorosec) October 10, 2019
Waymo has to say “completely driverless” instead of “driverless” because someone else was doing “drivered driverless.”
— Alex Roy (@AlexRoy144) October 10, 2019
Waymo tells riders that "completely #driverless vehicles are on the way #ai #autonomousvehicles
— Paula Piccard ?? ?? (@Paula_Piccard) October 10, 2019
Waymo tells riders that "completely driverless" vehicles are on the way
— The Verge (@verge) October 10, 2019
웨이모, 애리조나주 피닉스 승객들에게 곧 '완전 자율주행차' 제공될 것이라고 말해
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) October 10, 2019
- 완전 자율주행차 만나면 웨이모 앱에 훈련된 운전자가 앞자리에 없는 것 알렴 받음
- 앱에서 완전 자율주행차 기대사항 보게 됨
- 항상 앱 혹은 차내 버튼을 통해 지원요원을 부를 수 있음
Waymo announces that it will start using self-driving cars with no safety engineer in its beta test taxi rides around Phoenix.
— Calum Chace (@cccalum) October 10, 2019
And the cynics are still cynical.
Waymo to customers: ❝Completely driverless Waymo cars are on the way❞
— Jean-François Bonnefon (@JFBonnefon) October 10, 2019
Waymo to customers: "Completely driverless Waymo cars are on the way." @kirstenkorosec uncovers @waymo email to customers announcing shift. via @techcrunch
— Thomas Bamonte (@TomBamonte) October 10, 2019
.@Waymo is deploying driverless vehicles, and we're talking no-human-safety-driver-behind-the-wheel driverless vehicles, to riders in Phoenix: What's your reaction?
— SAE International® (@SAEIntl) October 10, 2019
For those who say driverless vehicles are decade away
— Martin Varsavsky (@martinvars) October 10, 2019
The future is already here. It's just unevenly distributed.
— Subrahmanyam KVJ (@SuB8u) October 10, 2019
"Completely driverless Waymo cars are on the way"
Google is about to hit a huge milestone with its self-driving car technology. Should soon-to-be displaced drivers protest, or should the country (including any displaced drivers) benefit via Freedom Dividend? #YangGang #Yang2020 #Bernie2020 #Warren2020
— Terrence Strickland ? (@1tstrickland) October 10, 2019
Waymo to customers: “Completely driverless Waymo cars are on the way” @TechCrunch #SelfDrivingCars #AutonomousVehicles #waymo
— Driverless Now (@DriverlessNow) October 10, 2019
I understand but also chafe at companies requiring people to sign NDAs to test products in development.
— Shira Ovide (@ShiraOvide) October 10, 2019
Is Alphabet really going to sue people for blabbing on Instagram or whatever that they rode in a driverless car? Isn't this...nuts?
To be fair to @Waymo, they just started to speak up at IAA Frankfurt in Sept 2019. But it's probably too little too late (remind me of rating agency behaviour...) and indirectly challenging Tesla's approach, not directly.
— David Teslaq (@ModelQ9) October 4, 2019
Waymo tells riders to get ready for fully driverless rides @binarybits #Enterprise #Tech #Technology #TechTrends #EmergingTech #Innovation #Business #FutureOfWork #TechnologyNews #DigitalTransformation
— Evan Kirstel (@evankirstel) October 10, 2019
Sounds like the Waymo driverless taxi commercial launch we thought was rolling out last year might actually be happening now.
— Caleb S. Pumpkins ? (@calebwatney) October 10, 2019
Waymo tells riders that "completely driverless" vehicles are on the way
— The Verge (@verge) October 11, 2019
Some more information on #Waymo going 'completely #driverless' - progressively, and for a tiny group of users,..
— Bertrand Duflos (@BertrandDuflos) October 10, 2019
But still a very significant step forward.
Waymo recently emailed its passengers in Phoenix, AZ, that "fully driverless vehicles are on the way". This shows confidence in self-driving technology. A key technology that makes this possible is radar. Lunewave Inc. is creating hi-resolution radar.
— Lunewave Inc. (@LunewaveInc) October 11, 2019
Waymo to customers: “Completely driverless Waymo cars are on the way” – via @rightrelevance thanks @gerald_bader
— Bojan Tunguz (@tunguz) October 10, 2019
!!!!!.....Waymo to customers:
— Jeroen Bartelse (@JeroenBartelse) October 10, 2019
‘Completely driverless Waymo cars are on the way’
via @TechCrunch #SelfDrivingCars #DriverlessCars #driverless #Autonomous #selfdriving #AI #mobility @SpirosMargaris @mvollmer1
Waymo to customers:
— Opcode (@techopcode) October 11, 2019
‘Completely #driverless Waymo cars are on the way’ #selfdriving #AI
Check out. Waymo to customers: "Completely driverless Waymo cars are on the way" via @techcrunch #tech #digital #data #business
— Kohei Kurihara Blockchain CMO (@kuriharan) October 10, 2019