“Kirstjen, you didn’t hear me the first time, honey,” Mr. Trump said, according to two people familiar with the conversation. “Shoot ’em down. Sweetheart, just shoot ’em out of the sky, O.K.?” https://t.co/68GGS1C78y pic.twitter.com/FgQ3bDWWHU
— Silvia Killingsworth (@silviakillings) October 3, 2019
Whatever you believe about Anduril, the monopolization and consolidation of the defense sector should have you more concerned. "How is it there’s so many billionaires and no Iron Man?” https://t.co/JLr2CdTKfw
— Daniel Sinclair (@_DanielSinclair) October 3, 2019
Palmer Luckey's controversial startup is rekindling the connection between the American military and Silicon Valley https://t.co/7kcPzrPM4K
— Businessweek (@BW) October 4, 2019
The border wall company run by palmer luckey. Investor at general catalyst, formerly @washingtonpost
— Lueurverte (@luerverte) October 3, 2019
Fuck ethics, show me the money https://t.co/ghhbJmQpY2
“Assisting in that cruelty, facilitating that cruelty, making sure they have access to more people to be cruel to, it makes the whole situation worse,” - Jacinta Gonzalez, Mijente organizerhttps://t.co/6R9FEL9ArI
— Mijente (@ConMijente) October 3, 2019
This is the most naive, and in a way, troubling understanding of the problems with our national security from the backers of Anduril pic.twitter.com/OmiHwyQXUu
— Shlok Vaidya (@shloky) October 3, 2019
Drone swarms are an increasingly dangerous threat. One of the only plausible countermeasures are autonomous anti-drone swarms. Anduril is making progress on this technology:https://t.co/TvigFwYWNN
— William Eden (@WilliamAEden) October 4, 2019
A drone but for killing other drones https://t.co/Adz9jxOix2
— Eric Newcomer (@EricNewcomer) October 4, 2019
Thiel's Founders Fund partner and PALANTIR engineer Trae Stephens co founded ANDURIL with Matt Grimm (PALANTIR) and Joseph Chen (Oculus).https://t.co/fK8PFvFmIz
— FurorRises (@FurorRises) October 4, 2019
Great piece by @joshuabrustein about anduril, the Silicon Valley weapons startup https://t.co/Yw7auGHzCA
— Max Chafkin (@chafkin) October 4, 2019
Oh lord...
— Arthur Holland Michel (@WriteArthur) October 4, 2019
Stupefying details on Anduril's Interceptor drone and their plans for it.https://t.co/iY9U7tTalY pic.twitter.com/i7u5TD816c
Tech’s Most #Controversial #Startup
— Spiros Margaris (@SpirosMargaris) October 4, 2019
Now Makes #Drone-Killing Robots https://t.co/UB8jqFINnC #fintech #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #robotics @joshuabrustein #pentagon #Anduril #SiliconValley pic.twitter.com/lckh0iAY8U
Drone war is here! https://t.co/6SIYJ5p1Zl
— Noah Smith ? (@Noahpinion) October 3, 2019
“Assisting in that cruelty, facilitating that cruelty, making sure they have access to more people to be cruel to, it makes the whole situation worse,” - Jacinta Gonzalez, Mijente organizerhttps://t.co/6R9FEL9ArI
— Mijente (@ConMijente) October 3, 2019
Tech’s Most Controversial Startup Now Makes Drone-Killing Robots https://t.co/YiObKvH0oM
— Rich Tehrani (@rtehrani) October 3, 2019
Tech’s Most Controversial Startup Now Makes Attack Drones - Bloomberg https://t.co/YiObKvH0oM
— Rich Tehrani (@rtehrani) October 3, 2019
There is another good article here about us: https://t.co/uv2WK8TSGP
— Chris A Taylor (@MrCatid) October 3, 2019
I’m know I’m a bleeding heart liberal snowflake etc etc... but this stuff does deeply concern me.
— Rob McCargow (@RobMcCargow) October 4, 2019
Inside Anduril, the startup that is building #AI-powered military technology | via @NBCNews https://t.co/y8ZBWcy00g
1)The Artificial Intelligence Platform ~ Lattice: Human Threat Detection To Be Used By The Military On The Battlefield > Also For Human Threat Assessment In Urban Environments.
— RUBICON (@_DeepQuest) October 4, 2019
Article By: J Ward/C Sottile [Paraphrase By Me]
https://t.co/VFVdhZrvbO via @nbcnews
This, from @anduriltech:
— Morgan Brennan (@MorganLBrennan) October 3, 2019
“Schimpf later demonstrated a new capability: detecting and destroying drones using high-powered “interceptor” drones of its own.”
Can’t help but think there will be demand, especially after the attacks in Saudi Arabia https://t.co/9OahVIZ7yO
Finally able to share that Anduril is selling the world's first effective, proven, end-end counter drone (cUAS) product. Great video of it in action on NBC, and some shots of the mesh-friendly secure video system I've been developing this year: https://t.co/LhTpZ007XR
— Chris A Taylor (@MrCatid) October 3, 2019
The team built a new product, Interceptor, a drone-smashing drone. A few more details here: https://t.co/V5kFdv6JsT
— Sam Ecker (@Sam_Ecker) October 3, 2019
Inside Anduril, the startup that is building AI-powered military technology https://t.co/LoC9yGdTJs via @byjacobward @CASottile
— Andrew Blankstein (@anblanx) October 3, 2019
“... the technology companies that should be solving these problems refuse to do so.” Watch @byjacobward’s in-depth conversation with @PalmerLuckey whose company proudly sells tech to the government & military “to win the next wars” https://t.co/rR1ry5zPbh
— Chiara Sottile (@CASottile) October 3, 2019
Then @PalmerLuckey took the time to describe his founding mission, present his ambitions for future products, and answer more than an hour of questions about ethics, AI, and whether he should be seeking to control what he has made. https://t.co/XMTexhjUrZ
— Jacob Ward (@byjacobward) October 3, 2019
I know Tolkien isn't perfect, but the line between good and evil is pretty clear in his stories at least, and I reckon making military technology probably puts you pretty firmly in the "bad guys" camp, right?!https://t.co/7pmXwZ1HWq
— Charlotte Jee (@charlottejee) October 3, 2019