We tell Google their face database isn't diverse enough. Google pays temps to lie to darker-skinned folks and surreptitiously record their faces. https://t.co/7Ahv5X507X
— Dan Greene (@Greene_DM) October 3, 2019
If this is accurate then it sounds like Google has really screwed up what was actually a relatively positive development for its face recognition systems. https://t.co/aHRV8nBESk
— Adi Robertson (@thedextriarchy) October 3, 2019
Google contractors were told to collect face scans without consent, focusing on people of color, by offering $5 gift cards to “play” with a phone. “They said to target homeless people because they’re the least likely to say anything to the media.” https://t.co/ZZdISI9i3m
— Melissa Gira Grant (@melissagira) October 3, 2019
“Google...hired temps go out to collect face scans from a variety of people on the street using $5 gift cards as incentive.”
— vanessa taylor (@BaconTribe) October 3, 2019
they were instructed to target homeless ppl in Atlanta, college students nationwide, and BET awards attendees in LA. https://t.co/ZDqIcGcd4l
Disturbing story by @GingerOtis & @NancyDillonNYDN on a @Google facial recognition project that has used dubious tactics to target people of color, including sending out teams with facial scanners to target homeless people in Atlanta. https://t.co/lvN9yqS8dc
— Chris Sommerfeldt (@C_Sommerfeldt) October 2, 2019
Google contractors have allegedly been tricking homeless people in the US into giving scans of their faces to improve its facial recognition software. Jaw-dropping story via @tkbeynon. https://t.co/INsegO9TBq pic.twitter.com/1WDBOtJkcb
— Jane Bradley (@jane__bradley) October 3, 2019
Meanwhile, in Our Great American Dystopia News.https://t.co/nnivQK1xYT pic.twitter.com/dkt4ospQFQ
— Oblivier Knox (@OKnox) October 3, 2019
EXCLUSIVE: Google wants your face, especially if you've got "darker skin" — and they're willing to pay $5.
— New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) October 2, 2019
To get it, the company has funded a facial recognition project that’s targeting people of color with dubious tactics, sources told the Daily News.https://t.co/wLMhEft98c
Google reportedly hired contract workers to get photos of “homeless people in Atlanta and attendees of the BET Awards festivities in Los Angeles” in an attempt to gather more data from people with “darker skin” to develop its facial recognition technology https://t.co/RkPThVGz53
— Tim Newman (@tnewmstweet) October 3, 2019
.@Google contractors reportedly targeted homeless people for Pixel 4 facial recognition because they needed examples of “darker skin tones.” https://t.co/CEurylC8lr
— ?? #AtlasArcher (@lenubienne) October 3, 2019
Wow. I fucking can’t even. We suck. https://t.co/eqnxarPAfK
— Mike Monteiro (@monteiro) October 3, 2019
What making face surveillance more “inclusive and diverse” looks like https://t.co/H6A9KPzpba
— Sarah A | ساره (@sa0un) October 3, 2019
Google contractors “sent teams to Atlanta explicitly to target homeless people and those with dark skin, often without saying they were working for Google, and without letting on that they were actually recording people’s faces.” https://t.co/uJ6VC6pC6s
— daniel harvey (@dancharvey) October 3, 2019
구글이 픽셀 4의 얼굴 인식 잠금 해제 기능을 위해 노숙자나 대학생들을 상대로 5달러짜리 기프트카드만 쥐어주거나, 몰래 녹화하거나 하는 식으로 얼굴 데이터를 모았다고.https://t.co/9tfM3TV94U
— 쿠도군 (@KudoKun_) October 3, 2019
The small dystopias that are already here: "Google wasn’t necessarily aware that Randstad was going after homeless people, but a Google manager reportedly did instruct the group to target people with darker skin, one source told the Daily News." https://t.co/5952Ggsulr
— Michal Rozworski (@michalrozworski) October 3, 2019
Google is targeting homeless people of color for new facial recognition software. https://t.co/yv0pa6tUX5
— National Homeless (@Ntl_Homeless) October 3, 2019
"According to several sources who allegedly worked on the project, a contracting agency named Randstad sent teams to Atlanta explicitly to target homeless people and those with dark skin, often without saying they were working for Google, and without let… https://t.co/6cx1ncgjqi
— Rose Eveleth ▷▷ (@roseveleth) October 3, 2019
well this is fucking bleak https://t.co/Ke3cxhkPrg
— GHOULison MaSCREAMa (@flexlibris) October 3, 2019
Oh! I've got a great, fucked up piece of news for you all that's not on impeachment. https://t.co/UEIz5O2oiy https://t.co/E02ZnFSSZP pic.twitter.com/8CwM8qESxC
— Elizabeth May (@_ElizabethMay) October 3, 2019
Google contractors reportedly targeted homeless people for Pixel 4 facial recognition https://t.co/KBrlXx2Z1e
— Steve Jobs Ghost ? (@tesla_truth) October 3, 2019
Google contractors have been tasked with the mission of building a massive facial recognition database in anticipation of the Pixel 4 debut, and according to a new report, teams trying to collect data for the search giant specifical... https://t.co/c92SEghhJj via @InfoSecHotSpot pic.twitter.com/Kecq3g4oFv
— Sean Harris (@InfoSecHotSpot) October 3, 2019
Google contractors reportedly used dubious methods to train Pixel 4's facial recognition https://t.co/Xww3UNYVj3
— TNW (@thenextweb) October 3, 2019
Google contractors reportedly used dubious methods to train Pixel 4's facial recognition https://t.co/Xb7uN95Wwi
— TNW (@thenextweb) October 3, 2019
Google contractors reportedly used dubious methods to train Pixel 4's facial recognition https://t.co/6eBxJ6lz9k
— TNW (@thenextweb) October 3, 2019