What if they fixed their "Search Twitter" button so you could actually find people's accounts instead of having to go through Google? ? https://t.co/ni3Cn4J7AJ
— Lindsey O'Donnell Welch (@LindseyOD123) October 1, 2019
— Sam Harrelson (@samharrelson) October 1, 2019
I'm not yelling, you're yelling. https://t.co/Qveqe9xLhD
We tested, and turns out filters help you cut through the noise to find gems. Who knew. So we’re rolling out this filter to everyone on iOS, Android, and web!
— Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) September 30, 2019
Twitter starts rolling out Direct Message search to all iOS users https://t.co/jbmaVb28Rc pic.twitter.com/ygETyxtwb4
— Huawei Global (@huawei_global) October 2, 2019
Twitter's DM search is available for all iOS users: https://t.co/cVOX3oN5rU
— iOSworld (@iOSworld) October 1, 2019
Twitter's DM search is available for all iOS users: Twitter is continuing its streak of releasing features it teased in August. The internet giant is rolling out its previously-tested direct message search to iOS users. You only have to type in a search… https://t.co/rpwpqKxnvT pic.twitter.com/cMkLPvHwAM
— Zion Tech Group (@ZionTechGroup2) October 1, 2019
Twitter now lets anyone on iOS search DMs for long lost message threads https://t.co/z49d3sqO0n pic.twitter.com/2V9k0PjGTX
— The Verge (@verge) October 2, 2019
Twitter now lets anyone on iOS search DMs for long lost message threads https://t.co/z49d3sqO0n pic.twitter.com/hiDi9ipjDM
— The Verge (@verge) October 1, 2019
Finally -- you can now search DMs! (Yay! ??)
— Chris Messina ⤳ SF (@chrismessina) October 1, 2019
(Just not the content of messages (boo ??))!https://t.co/BnIU5JJJnz pic.twitter.com/wzWRrvpxBm
Twitter now lets anyone on iOS search DMs for long lost message threads: Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge Twitter has announced that it’s launching direct message search for all users on iOS starting today, October 1st. The feature, which has long… https://t.co/kiRgrBRufh pic.twitter.com/SNSr23SrbB
— Zion Tech Group (@ZionTechGroup2) October 1, 2019
트위터, 모든 iOS 사용자에게 DM 검색 배포 시작.
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) October 2, 2019
- 이는 트위터가 DM 메시지에 욕설 필터 배포에 이은 것
- 사용자, DM에서 검색할 때 사용자명, 표시된 이름, 메시지 콘텐트가 검색 대상에 포함
- 특정 친구를 찾을 경우 DM에 직접 그 친구 이름을 검색할 수 있음. https://t.co/bqvEiyI7bx
Twitter starts rolling out Direct Message search to all iOS users https://t.co/UCNsfaUG0u via @ChanceHMiller
— FLANJOHN (@theflanjohn) October 2, 2019
Twitter now lets anyone on iOS search DMs for long lost message threads https://t.co/XbdSixV0Bz
— Matt Navarra (@MattNavarra) October 2, 2019
OOOoooooOOO!#Twitter now lets anyone on #iOS search DMs for long lost message threads #mobile https://t.co/pnYX0ZoFTV
— Rachel Miller (@rachelloumiller) October 2, 2019
Daily Crunch: WeWork delays its IPO https://t.co/AQVC2Qhx3L via @techcrunch
— Satoshi Onodera ?? (@satoshi_gfa18) October 1, 2019