I don’t care what side you’re on, this is a good idea https://t.co/YLUhp1HwuJ
— Bird Law Expert (@RealBirdLawyer) September 27, 2019
Not a political statement at all, nor should it be taken as such, but this is something that every candidate from either party should be discussing. @google and @facebook have zero transparency and no oversight. It’s time that our government took a stronger stance towards tech. https://t.co/BqzFRetAND
— Sleeping Giants (@slpng_giants) September 27, 2019
Re-upping my 2015 Washington @monthly article with Steve Teles on congressional capacity, which @ewarren cites in her new "Break the Grip of Lobbyists" (https://t.co/es6euhrV6z) plan. https://t.co/Sq0eTTz1QW
— Lee Drutman (@leedrutman) September 27, 2019
Over the last 20 years, lobbyist spending has skyrocketed. At the same time, Congress has been starved of resources to objectively analyze complex public policy issues, leaving corporate lobbyist propaganda to fill the gap. I've got a plan to fix that: https://t.co/CA0CuaSgZK
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) September 27, 2019
Excellent @kellymakena on Warren's plan to bring back the Office of Technology Assessment — one of the reasons Congress is so bad at tech is that it literally doesn't employ anyone whose job it is to figure it out. https://t.co/LDZ7T37JTp
— nilay patel (@reckless) September 27, 2019
One US presidential candidate pledges to hire competent tech policy advisors (in the Office of Technology Assessment). To what extent this move may refer to Brussels? https://t.co/rfLKi5l0m7 https://t.co/eeUfcxnWvs pic.twitter.com/41M2Sawkz4
— Lukasz Olejnik (@lukOlejnik) September 27, 2019
Someone should do an infographic of where the tech wonks of the Obama administration ended up after their service.
— sarah jeong (@sarahjeong) September 27, 2019
Heck, not just the tech people. https://t.co/bae71Euaop
This @ewarren plan shares a thesis with a report I wrote: that Congress doesn’t have the resources it needs to be effective, particularly on complex science & tech issues.
— Mike Miesen (@MikeMiesen) September 27, 2019
It shares the answer, too: a better-resourced Congress is better for all of us. https://t.co/btuJMwPfIv https://t.co/dsAQhjCEH3
How many Googlers/Xooglers sign up for Warren's army? https://t.co/fwY91Yfp51
— Mark Bergen (@mhbergen) September 27, 2019
It’s like @ewarren is campaigning for my vote specifically. I couldn’t agree more with her recommendations on helping congress be congress again. https://t.co/8e2m8xZJxt
— Daniel Schuman (@danielschuman) September 27, 2019
Interesting to see Elizabeth Warren pushing Congress to get smarter on tech. That lack of knowledge is the root of a lot of our current problems! https://t.co/uwN4JEbflX
— Russell Brandom (@russellbrandom) September 27, 2019
It's time to break the grip of corporate lobbyists in Congress. @ewarren has a plan to provide Congress with the resources to do their jobs so that they don't have to rely on corporate lobbyist propaganda. Read and share her plan: https://t.co/sd1RW35vGM
— Team Warren (@TeamWarren) September 27, 2019
In non-impeachment news, @ewarren wants to bring back the Office of Technology Assessment so that policymakers can know what the heck they're doing when trying 2 make tech policy: https://t.co/Bhq0ahW4cN
— Gigi Sohn (@gigibsohn) September 27, 2019
the question is, and always will be, whether OTA and/or GAO can resist what is essentially intellectual capture by industry, and i'm not sure i've read much from academia on the kind of setup that's best suited to withstand that https://t.co/24tVbW8f3l
— Tony Romm (@TonyRomm) September 27, 2019
Co-sign any policy proposal that brings back the OTA, office of technology assessment. https://t.co/GO9OyEjmwC
— Seamus Hughes (@SeamusHughes) September 27, 2019
this is actually the right idea, the problem is finding enough nerds who are actually committed to antagonizing corporate power and can't be talked around immediately. not a common nerd trait. https://t.co/Q4Y4iVbVvC
— Alex (@axfelix) September 27, 2019
When I started covering Congress, OTA was a rich source of information, staffed by top-notch experts. It was a sad day when Gingrich killed it. https://t.co/Sr5PPbP10g
— Glenn Kessler (@GlennKesslerWP) September 27, 2019
One of her best plans yet. "Lobbyist" has basically been shorthand for "political corruption" for my entire life, and it's kind of incredible that we've put up with them for so long. https://t.co/O1D6K2Id70
— Rany Jazayerli (@jazayerli) September 27, 2019
Warren endorsing Office of Tech Assessment. If you wanna learn more, my longread from 2018: https://t.co/skjSoLyjko
— Tony Romm (@TonyRomm) September 27, 2019
Since then, though, one note: GAO got more $$ from Congress to do tech assessment, so some functionality exists. https://t.co/24tVbW8f3l
”In a move to correct the imbalance of power between technologically sophisticated corporations and the lawmakers who regulate them, presidential candidate Senator @ewarren is proposing that Congress reinstate the Office of Technology Assessment.”
— Jevan Hutson (@jevanhutson) September 27, 2019
This plan is so smart, so obvious once stated: Congress needs to be able to evaluate complex issues independently. They don't have the resources and expertise to it. This makes lobbyists even more absurdly powerful. Let's fix it. Read it here:#TeamWarren https://t.co/67MzasgdVE
— Upper East Side - NYC for Warren (@uesNYC4Warren) September 27, 2019
.@ewarren will strengthen Congress' independence from lobbyists. She'll end lobbying as we know it, and her plan linked here goes even further to make Congress truly independent from lobbyists.
— Gabrielle Farrell ? President Warren 2020 (her/s) (@FarrellGabriell) September 27, 2019
Check it out: https://t.co/UMuYUmqy6d
“When @ewarren fought for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, she saw firsthand how lobbyists use their resources and expertise to overpower the needs and wishes of ordinary people.”#YesShePlans #Warren2020 https://t.co/SKbleKFTop
— Citizen Resister (@Mean_Adam) September 27, 2019
It's time to break the grip of corporate lobbyists in Congress. @ewarren has a plan to provide Congress with the resources to do their jobs so that they don't have to rely on corporate lobbyist propaganda. Read and share her plan: https://t.co/sd1RW35vGM
— Team Warren (@TeamWarren) September 27, 2019
Warren's latest plan is a big deal, folks.
— Leftists for Warren? (@leftists4warren) September 27, 2019
"Time and time again, widely popular policies are narrowed or blocked by powerful interests capable of providing resources and expertise to a vastly under-resourced Congress."
But she has a plan for that! https://t.co/gbtlQvPIHU
Members of Congress should have the resources they need to make decisions without relying on corporate lobbyists. @ewarren has a plan for that!#Warren2020 #TeamWarren https://t.co/tOaJnqdApC
— California for Warren (@CA_for_Warren) September 27, 2019
Strengthening Congressional Independence from Corporate Lobbyists https://t.co/dQd6V4dD4j pic.twitter.com/9fCyQoGO7C
— 420 Cyber, Inc. (@420Cyber) September 27, 2019
When Elizabeth fought for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, she saw firsthand how lobbyists use their resources and expertise to overpower the needs and wishes of ordinary people. https://t.co/HpzuEdDT5M
— M O Nichols ? (@DawgMother) September 27, 2019
well would u look at that — @ewarren is getting behind the movement to revive OTA https://t.co/JiMblYS31V
— Tajha Sophia Chappellet-Lanier (@TajhaLanier) September 27, 2019
Strengthening Congressional Independence from Corporate Lobbyists | Elizabeth Warren https://t.co/B1uFREkYtu
— Heavenly Guides (@HeavenlyGuides) September 27, 2019
Elizabeth Warren wants to hire an army of nerds to defeat Google’s lobbyists https://t.co/r96LKbhLO7 pic.twitter.com/0OviYfNOWG
— The Verge (@verge) September 27, 2019
Congress aren’t just dependent on corporate propaganda because they’re bought & paid for. It’s also a successful, decades-long campaign to starve Congress of resources & expertise.
— Warren Fan (@WarrenFan4) September 27, 2019
Restore the Office of Technology gutted by Newt Gingrich.#Warren2020
Elizabeth Warren wants to hire an army of nerds to defeat Google’s lobbyists https://t.co/jQHToPMQbd
— Makena Kelly (@kellymakena) September 27, 2019
Elizabeth Warren announced a new plan aimed at making lawmakers less susceptible to lobbyists and their “disinformation” over sensitive issues like tech consolidation and climate change.
— California for Warren (@CA_for_Warren) September 27, 2019
We should reinstate the Office of Technology Assessment. #Warren2020https://t.co/I8ZldmjaEJ
Co-sign any policy proposal that brings back the OTA, office of technology assessment. https://t.co/GO9OyEjmwC
— Seamus Hughes (@SeamusHughes) September 27, 2019
Dear @ewarren, officially raising my hand for this job.
— Zach Weinberg No VC Sends Me Deals (@zachweinberg) September 27, 2019
Elizabeth Warren wants to hire an army of nerds to defeat Google’s lobbyists https://t.co/pkLk1rdXNp
Warren’s calling for restoring Congress’s Office of Technology Assessment as a way of balancing out the intellectual influence that Google, Facebook, et al have with members and staff. https://t.co/oUb2atSanF
— Nancy Scola (@nancyscola) September 27, 2019
One day after Senate appropriators vote to strip $6 million in House funding for a revived Office of Technology Assessment, Elizabeth Warren comes out with a plan to beef up a revitalized OTA. https://t.co/rj8bMqwx70
— Brendan Bordelon (@BrendanBordelon) September 27, 2019
https://t.co/hkjC90E59H OTA를 되살리는건 좋은 아이디어인데 언제나 그렇듯이 인사가 만사이죠
— minchul park (@summerlight00) September 27, 2019
One US presidential candidate pledges to hire competent tech policy advisors (in the Office of Technology Assessment). To what extent this move may refer to Brussels? https://t.co/rfLKi5l0m7 https://t.co/eeUfcxnWvs pic.twitter.com/41M2Sawkz4
— Lukasz Olejnik (@lukOlejnik) September 27, 2019
Bring back the Office of Technology Assessment ?? https://t.co/dmnvSXDX10
— Amelia ?✨? (@amelia_acker) September 27, 2019
Welp. Liz Warren has officially jumped on the Copy Yang Bandwagon!https://t.co/iTLycPOSTQ
— Jake A Snider (@JakeASnider1) September 27, 2019
Elizabeth Warren wants to raise Congressional staffers' salaries to reduce corporate lobbying https://t.co/cPycAWYuof
— Michigan Girl (@sparkette123) September 27, 2019
To curb lobbying power, Elizabeth Warren wants to reinstate the Office of Technology Assessment | TechCrunch https://t.co/kNqSnx53gl
— Rob Seamans (@robseamans) September 27, 2019
Congress is starved of resources to analyze complex issues--& lobbyists fill the gap. Read Elizabeth's plan to stop it: https://t.co/FyY0wAYHvs
— Kelly Jameson (@kj_amplified) September 28, 2019
Congress is starved of resources to analyze complex issues--& lobbyists fill the gap. Read Elizabeth's plan to stop it: https://t.co/FyY0wAYHvs
— Kelly Jameson (@kj_amplified) September 28, 2019
When Elizabeth fought for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, she saw how lobbyists use their resources and expertise to overpower ordinary people. Add your name: it's time to give Congress the resources to fight back against corporate lobbyists.https://t.co/n3tyZzStHc ✌
— BoccaPura (@BoccaJim) September 28, 2019
"Notice #microsoft is not even mentioned :/ she still has microsofters on staff to misguide her severely"-iophk (yes, #lizWarren hires from Microsoft)https://t.co/rZjME11SRx https://t.co/IWznd6OIVg
— Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) (@schestowitz) September 28, 2019
Elizabeth Warren wants to hire an army of nerds to defeat Google’s lobbyists https://t.co/r96LKbhLO7 pic.twitter.com/Pis1IaTVvS
— The Verge (@verge) September 28, 2019