ment 6/3 '19 posted

• 구글은 지난달 구글 I / O 개발자 컨퍼런스에서 그 증강 현실 기능을 티징하고 있었습니다. 그리고 지금 어느 정도 여기 있습니다.
• Google 검색에서 증강 현실을 통해 동물을 미리 볼 수있는 기능은 기발한 추가 기능 중 하나이며 현재 활성화되어 있습니다.
• 사용 가능한 Google Search AR 동물에는 라이온스, 호랑이, 곰, 알파인 염소, timberwolves, 유럽 고슴도치, angler fish 및 황제 펭귄이 있습니다.

The card also has a "View in your space" button that places…
Google puts augmented reality animals in its Search app []
Google AR search now pulls animals off the screen and into your room There's a tiger on the…
Google AR search now pulls animals off the screen and into your room []
At its I/O developer’s conference in May, Google announced that it was bringing a neat feature…
Here’s how to look at life-sized animals in AR through Google Search []
At I/O 2019, Google announced a slew of AR features, including Dining and Translation…
First AR objects launch in Google Search with 3D animals []
The Google Mobile Search now has a new card that brings augmented reality…
Google Mobile Search Now Includes Augmented Reality Animals []

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6/3 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
6/3 '19 answered

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