I’m as big a work from home advocate as you’ll meet but Facebook nabbing 2.2 million sq ft of office space in the old post office in NYC seems exactly the right bet.
— Christopher Mims (@mims) August 4, 2020
The moment people feel safe again cities are going to explode with pent-up energy.https://t.co/Z1jJ0j2fY9
The worst person you know (Facebook) just made a great point (cities are not over) https://t.co/3oIN9U7ezu
— Henry Grabar (@henrygrabar) August 4, 2020
JUST IN: Despite the pandemic, @Facebook is betting big on the future of NYC — and the future of offices.
— Cliff Levy (@cliffordlevy) August 3, 2020
It just announced that it’s leasing all the former office space at the main post office at Penn Station in Midtown.https://t.co/eI6LDiOyAh
By @matthewhaag
.@juliepsamuels: The announcement "affirms what we’ve always known: even facing economic uncertainty and a global pandemic, New York is overflowing with the creativity and potential that will drive growth of the next generation of technology companies." https://t.co/giXKPQy0ro
— Tech:NYC (@TechNYC) August 4, 2020
Future of work! https://t.co/QwTJMLwxIN
— Sar Haribhakti (@sarthakgh) August 4, 2020
Tens of billions in public funding for the building/mall but looks like no giveaways to the company. What was the name of that governor who wanted to subsidize the world's richest man again? https://t.co/Duevsx7qHy
— Michael Kink (@mkink) August 4, 2020
For those of us looking for them, strikes me as a very positive indicator for the post-pandemic revival of cities. As soon as we feel safe, we are going to want to be together again. https://t.co/8RPb8ifGUR
— Prema Katari Gupta (@premagupta) August 4, 2020
This "affirms what we’ve always known: even facing economic uncertainty and a global pandemic, New York is overflowing with the creativity and potential that will drive the growth of the next generation of technology companies.” -@juliepsamuels @TechNYC https://t.co/pZOYoqh8Mu
— JP Schnapper-Casteras (@jpscasteras) August 4, 2020
See renderings of the new Facebook campus coming to the historic James A. Farley Post Office in #NYC https://t.co/P3q6DU59S4 pic.twitter.com/6VBFvgDl3w
— Untapped New York (@UntappedNY) August 4, 2020
"Facebook is taking all of the available office space, about 730,000 square feet, in the Farley Building"$FB $VNO (Vornado +2.8% AH) Vornado stock spikes after Facebook agrees to lease Farley Building in New York https://t.co/quRxWKa3ta
— North Bluff Capital (@bluff_capital) August 3, 2020
facebook in may: "everyone has the ability to work from home for forever"
— Jonathan Wasserstrum (@jmwass) August 4, 2020
facebook today: we're gonna go ahead and sign a lease for one of the largest blocks of space in NYC
i guess wfh isn't the utopia everyone on twitter thinks it is :)https://t.co/UbyFbZDN69
Facebook on Monday closed on a long-awaited deal for 730,000 square feet at Vornado’s Farley Building, the former post office site between Madison Square Garden and the Hudson Yards district. https://t.co/8nq2XAE2q4 pic.twitter.com/ZM6oPHUuOr
— Michelle Manafy ? (@michellemanafy) August 4, 2020
Facebook is leasing all of the 730,000-square-feet of office space in a Manhattan building that Vornado Realty Trust is redeveloping. https://t.co/HIdgp5W0t8 pic.twitter.com/s5T2NLJVPY
— Nareit (@REITs_Nareit) August 5, 2020
Facebook (aquele mesmo do home-office pra sempre) aluga 68 mil m2 em Manhattan
— The Big Short (@TheBigShort8) August 4, 2020
"Despite the pandemic, the social media giant leased all the office space in the former main post office at Penn Station in Midtown."https://t.co/gqxWrDFnVD@luizfalvesjr #BRPR3
Facebook leases 730k sq. ft. old midtown post office, mid pandemic. Weird. Ok...
— Andrew Oddo (@A0ddo) August 4, 2020
But w total of 2.2 million sq. ft. in city, 50% permanent wfh, they have 1k+ sq ft per employee. Plenty of room to social distance, and prep for massive NYC growth after ? https://t.co/SdONRHnMJR
Facebook will have 2.2 million square feet of Manhatttan office space https://t.co/FeyVjUkEb0
— CeciliaKang (@ceciliakang) August 4, 2020
See @nytimes story on Facebook's commitment to be part of NYC future, with new offices and a new lease @EmpireStateDev - see https://t.co/UtIc1vLRU6
— Eric Gertler (@ericgertler) August 4, 2020
I'm telling you, don't mistake $BIGTECHCO going remote until next year as a sign that they won't shove you back into an open-plan office at the first opportunity https://t.co/rsYnQ0u1aG
— ntaylour (@dijkstracula) August 4, 2020
Strange how all of these companies are making power moves as we dangle on the edge of a really steep cliff. https://t.co/bOduovJAxQ
— Rico Cleffi (@RCleffi) August 4, 2020
Facebook signs massive office lease in NYC. So rethink on scalability of work from home?#EIIRTrend #WorkFromHome #PostCoronaWorld https://t.co/Zh1XcgdgbX
— Pareekh Jain (@pareekhjain) August 4, 2020
Facebook is moving into #NYC's historic James A. Farley Post Office Building https://t.co/P3q6DU59S4 pic.twitter.com/rbiSc7CoQJ
— Untapped New York (@UntappedNY) August 4, 2020
"What a vote of confidence in our future that Facebook has made this decision. This is the first major new lease for a post-COVID city," @NYCMayor https://t.co/0UP5364j59
— Julia Marsh (@juliakmarsh) August 4, 2020