close your eyes and imagine Trump thumb-typing "unregulated crypto assets"
— nilay patel (@reckless) July 12, 2019
Crypto facilitates unlawful activities like the drug trade??? I thought the current $200 billion drug trade was priced in U.S. dollars and paid for by same?? I'm going to feel so foolish on discovering the actual currency for purchasung drugs is bananas or Soy Milk. https://t.co/eMhJRvNGbd
— John McAfee (@officialmcafee) July 12, 2019
This was a major focus of today’s questioning of the Fed chairman in the Banking Committee. Powell doesn’t yet have a plan on who should regulate Facebook’s currency plans. https://t.co/8wHDUFqj2T
— Steven Dennis (@StevenTDennis) July 12, 2019
Achievement unlocked! I dreamt about a sitting U.S. president needing to respond to growing cryptocurrency usage years ago. "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win”. We just made it to step 3 y'all. https://t.co/N3tzUKELaK
— Brian Armstrong (@brian_armstrong) July 12, 2019
Thank you @realDonaldTrump, very cool! pic.twitter.com/q8UfPMkN2l
— Ceteris Paribus (@ceterispar1bus) July 12, 2019
Also glad chief of staff Mick Mulvaney is at the White House. We worked with him when he was in the House to found the Congressional Blockchain Caucus and he’s long been a champion of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency.https://t.co/xZdn2upwe5
— Jerry Brito (@jerrybrito) July 12, 2019
This is 100 percent Scavino, right? Trump's version of this would be like "gangsters use internet money" https://t.co/mPZGyiUfcP
— nilay patel (@reckless) July 12, 2019
Damn, a policy based tweet that I agree with 100%...
— Nicholas Weaver (@ncweaver) July 12, 2019
If the executive branch wants a recipe to destroy that entire festering space, talk to me. https://t.co/FUF1A1ka8Z
Mr. President, one could say the same of unregulated fiat currencies, like the privately operated US dollar. The advantage of cryptocurrencies is that they are predictable and transparent. Regulated or not, useful tools can be used for good and evil. Don't let the US fall behind.
— Jesse Powell (@jespow) July 12, 2019
Not content with talking about social media and the census, Trump opines about bitcoin, Facebook Libra, and why crypto currency needs to face banking regulators.https://t.co/bWxf73UkQp
— Ken Yeung (@thekenyeung) July 12, 2019
whoa, ahead of major hearings next week https://t.co/pAKx9noNlb
— Tony Romm (@TonyRomm) July 12, 2019
...and International. We have only one real currency in the USA, and it is stronger than ever, both dependable and reliable. It is by far the most dominant currency anywhere in the World, and it will always stay that way. It is called the United States Dollar!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 12, 2019
....Similarly, Facebook Libra’s “virtual currency” will have little standing or dependability. If Facebook and other companies want to become a bank, they must seek a new Banking Charter and become subject to all Banking Regulations, just like other Banks, both National...
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 12, 2019
Ok now he's crossed the line. https://t.co/Iyn6RjU0ng
— Michael Arrington (@arrington) July 12, 2019
A bipartisan group of lawmakers have been working to create a clear regulatory framework to protect consumers and ensure companies cannot circumvent existing law. Digital assets need the certainty of the #TokenTaxonomyAct. Next week’s hearings will highlight additional needs. https://t.co/j1zK2eweiH
— Warren Davidson (@WarrenDavidson) July 12, 2019
The two worst parts of Twitter just joined forces. Can’t take it anymore.
— Matthew Green (@matthew_d_green) July 12, 2019
Among other things, it turns out Facebook has the power to turn cryptocurrencies into something the POTUS sends out a barrage of tweets about on a Thursday evening https://t.co/92ZKUnyJfg
— Nathaniel Popper (@nathanielpopper) July 12, 2019
News from my interview with Fb/Libra/Calibra execs:
— Josh Constine (@JoshConstine) July 12, 2019
-Libra should incur sales tax & capital gains tax
-It’s talking to convenience stores for cash-in/cash-out
-If blocked by the USA, unclear if Calibra will launch https://t.co/RCOPIJMHpb
The FED created $7 trillion out of thin air and gave US banks interest free loans to pump the market. When the fake US economy goes bust, the US dollar tanks and US bonds become worthless people will dump the Ponzi scheme US dollar and use crypto currencies instead. You’ll see. https://t.co/GaXA4e7dzu
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) July 12, 2019
The government manipulates currency values. Independent forms of currency not subject to the political whims of powerful people are good. https://t.co/dWE3KPSGGI
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) July 12, 2019
I wonder if Trump's tweet about his not being a Bitcoin fan, and his specific reference to unlawful behavior, drug trade and other illegal activity, is a precursor to a Federal legislative crack down on Bitcoin and other crypto currencies? Ignore this risk at your peril!
— Peter Schiff (@PeterSchiff) July 12, 2019
Trump knew exactly what he was doing with that tweet, he's smart, especially since he wants to nominate a pro gold-standard and pro crypto Judy Shelton to the Federal Reserve. pic.twitter.com/BKe8cTeBJx
— Michael (@BuyDigiByte) July 12, 2019
Can't buy better publicity than this. https://t.co/GHobxIJuFL
— Michael Casey (@mikejcasey) July 12, 2019
The only thing we know with absolute certainty after this tweet is that the dems will now be enthusiastic crypto currency bulls, regardless of their previous positions. https://t.co/mTZgS7huPz
— Michael Arrington (@arrington) July 12, 2019
I am not a fan of Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies, which are not money, and whose value is highly volatile and based on thin air. Unregulated Crypto Assets can facilitate unlawful behavior, including drug trade and other illegal activity....
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 12, 2019
Did the President of the United States just declare Bitcoin to be not money? I wonder if this has regulatory implications? https://t.co/ebpAOmLhuJ
— Erik Voorhees (@ErikVoorhees) July 12, 2019
There is an irony about tweeting this after spending a day blasting big centralized tech companies for their supposed censorship...
— Joe Weisenthal (@TheStalwart) July 12, 2019
You promised to audit the Fed via executive order in the first 100 days of your presidency https://t.co/HZSI8a0yNa
— Michael Malice (@michaelmalice) July 12, 2019
The US Postal Service will ALWAYS be the best message delivery system! https://t.co/BPPufB8Co5
— Erik Voorhees (@ErikVoorhees) July 12, 2019
Issuing “currency” doesn’t make you a bank anymore than airlines frequent flier miles or hotel rewards points. https://t.co/dNRTXgYeUQ
— Aaron Klein (@Aarondklein) July 12, 2019
Mr. President, you are misled by fake news. #Bitcoin & #Blockchain happens to be the best chance for US! I'd love to invite you to have lunch with crypto leaders along with @WarrenBuffett on July 25. I guarantee you after this lunch, nobody will know crypto more than you! https://t.co/ZpRFEbninv
— Justin Sun (@justinsuntron) July 12, 2019
Donald Trump has a warning for Mark Zuckerberg: don't threaten the primacy of the dollar https://t.co/owpHxQJYwf via @bopinion
— Robert Burgess (@BobOnMarkets) July 12, 2019
Trump Hates Bitcoin but Nations May Hold Crypto Reserves in 10 Years #Altcoin #cryptocurrency https://t.co/Iv7Bez4MFI
— @Burst_Fire (@Burst_Firee) July 12, 2019
What Are Dollars Used for, President Trump? – The Gun Money Known as USD - #Bitcoin News https://t.co/nN4qJOPwWO #crypto pic.twitter.com/VYJQhpjAeK
— Jason Sibley (@jasoncreation) July 12, 2019
Well he’s not wrong, but my guess is he only wrote the third tweet in this thread. https://t.co/m6FSQpsImo
— Matt Stoller (@matthewstoller) July 12, 2019
I think watching Crypto Twitter for the next couple hours is going to be my night’s entertainment ? https://t.co/d5V2RcvKTM
— Laura Shin (@laurashin) July 12, 2019
Trump advertises Bitcoin's utility for getting around financial regulations. https://t.co/l2SA7dvnIB
— Kyle Torpey (@kyletorpey) July 12, 2019
He keeps ya on your toes. That’s for sure. https://t.co/bw6osCe3zJ
— Jay Yarow (@jyarow) July 12, 2019
Trump Has a Favorite Currency, and It’s Not Bitcoin https://t.co/Dk7SFFVGih
— Jim Bianco (@biancoresearch) July 13, 2019
Trump's said "I'm 'not a fan of cryptocurrency." That's because he doesn't understand anything about it. His brain is like a child that doesn't know who to root for watching a football game for the first time. He's just pretending to have an opinion. https://t.co/cF1Nw9Rrkl
— John Oberlin (@OMGno2trump) July 12, 2019
미 대통령: 트윗으로 암호화폐에 부정적이며, Facebook 암호화폐 Libra를 지적하며 은행 역할을 하고 싶다면 그에 준하는 규제를 받아야 할 것이라 언급. 파월 연준 의장이 Libra에 대한 부정적 의견 낸지 하루만에 나온 반응. https://t.co/RGUek1CCIc
— 나가토 유키 (@nagato708) July 12, 2019
Sell bitcoin for xnos and nollar @nos_initiative @NosCash @LLLuckyL @growth20 @bitcoin_brown https://t.co/0ZSHNqqlYL
— 5K (@5KOfficial) July 12, 2019
Trump critcizes bitcoin, cryptocurrencies; questions Facebook Libra https://t.co/HXES1hKwOE
— bronxey⚡️ (@Antonyb12755522) July 12, 2019
No @POTUS isn't a fan of cryptocurrency. Yes he wants it to be regulated like the banks he is a fan of. You know banks like @jpmorgan who owns ships that transport $1.3 Billion of cocaine for illegal cartels. https://t.co/XvrOypbONj
— MrKristof (@mr_kristof007) July 12, 2019
In a series of tweets posted Thursday evening, President Donald Trump said the value of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is "based on thin air." https://t.co/QoAmbCsL4j
— USA TODAY Tech (@usatodaytech) July 13, 2019
"You’re dealing with really early Gen X or later-Boomer guys who are running the government and don’t really understand what Bitcoin is. That’s a very normal attitude—the kind that your grandfather might have about Bitcoin."https://t.co/ceoS6z27Da
— Preston Byrne (@prestonjbyrne) July 12, 2019